Think habits, not body size
Ditch the perfectionism, embrace curiosity, andĀ reshape habits to nourish your body and lower your risk for chronic diseases.
A Path for Everybody
All the tools you need to build sustainable habits
Why Work With Me?
Hi, I'm Kerri, a registered dietitian, and personal trainer. I believe that reshaping and creating sustainable habits is the foundation of health and self-care. The medical community and society place too much emphasis on weight as a predictor of health and feeling your best. My goal is to empower you to embrace self-care and nutrition that is flexible and specific to you.
I teach chronic dieters how to nourish their bodies without rigged rules so they can lower their blood sugars, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
Unlike other quick-fix methods that obsess over weight loss, I show my clients how to build sustainable habits so they can ditch perfectionism and create a lifestyle that is personalized and flexible so they can reclaim their health and reduce the need for medications.
I love PEARING up with clients to help them discover simple solutions so they can reclaim their health.
More About MeWhat's in it for YOU?
Learn more about how embracing curiosity and reshaping habits will work for you!
Browse Program Details
Thrive with 5
Think habits, not body size!
Reshaping and creating sustainable habits is the foundation of health and self-care. The medical community and society place too much emphasis on weight as a predictor of health.
Book a free discovery call today to learn how the Thrive with Five program will work for you.
What can you expect from Thrive With 5?
Your Health Coaching Plan for Chronic Disease

Results Driven
Optimize energy
Improve inflammatory markers
Reduced aches and pains
Personalized sustainable habits
Flexible self-care
Improved body image
Gained confidence in own knowledge and decisions

"Pear up" Your CarbsĀ
Curiosity over judgment
MealĀ planning guides
Shopping lists & recipesĀ
Movement guide
4 Laws of Behavior ChangeĀ
Self-compassion worksheet
Habit loop mapping

4-month programĀ
Bi-weekly one-on-one coaching sessions
12 self-guided support modulesĀ Ā
Private messaging ā 24/7 access
Personalized written action plans for nutrition, exercise, and behavior change
Flexible and specific self-care habits plans
Review of lab work and additional testing recommendations